Colson Update 4/19/06
Dear Friends and Family,
Tomorrow marks a very exciting day as we approach the last three treatments. It is amazing how far God has brought us down this path and now a year later we can actually see the end in sight. We went back through and were reading some of the first few emails we sent out and it's humbling to see the dark scary days and trials that God has brought us through up to this point. We know your prayers and support have helped to carry us through and we so appreciate that.
Joey will go in tomorrow afternoon to be put in the hospital and should be able to come home by Friday afternoon. Please pray for him that the nausea and faitigue won't be as bad; the last treatment had some rougher days.
Currently his last treatment is scheduled for June 1. We are planning to have a celebration on June 3rd from 3-5 at Hyland Heights, and we'd love to celebrate with all of you who have loved us and prayed for us as we have gone through this journey together.
We love you all -
Joey and Cynthia Colson