Colson Update 3/29/06
Dear Friends,
Tomorrow will mark another milestone in my treatments, as there will only be three rounds of chemo left after I am admitted tomorrow. Cynthia and I covet your prayers that everything will go smoothly tomorrow (Thursday) and that the doctor will see no reason to delay my treatment. I am currently fighting off the remnants of a cold that I caught a couple of weeks ago, but we are hoping and praying that this will not delay tomorrow's treatment. I also had a routine bone scan done today, and we will find out the results tomorrow at my doctor's appointment. Please pray that these will come back clear, as well, and for Cynthia as she attempts to sleep on those hospital chairs tomorrow night; she tore a muscle in her leg earlier this week, and while it is getting better daily, we are hoping that the discomfort will diminish tomorrow night and allow her to get some rest.
Thank you all for your continued prayers, and for the cards and emails. It never ceases to amaze us how we always seem to get a card or letter at just the right time to encourage us. Our God is perfect in timing in every way, and is perfectly faithful in every occastion.
Thank you for your prayers!
Joey and Cynthia Colson
Lamentations 3:22-23 - The LORD'S lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.
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